Tuesday, 30 April 2013

la nourriture et les repas

We are learning about food in French class. I've added several videos to the YouTube playlist so please check them out :)

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

les saisons et le temps

TEST Friday April 12th

les saisons = the seasons

le printemps = spring
l'été = summer
l'automne = fall
l'hiver = winter

le temps/la météo = the weather 

Quel temps fait-il? = What is the weather like?
aujourd'hui = today

Il pleut. = It's rainy/raining.
Il neige. = It's snowy/snowing.
Il gèle. = It's freezing.
Il fait beau. = It (the weather) is nice/beautiful.
Il fait mauvais. = It (the weather) is bad.
Il fait frais. = It's cool.
Il fait froid. = It's cold.
Il fait chaud. = It's hot.
Il y a du vent. / Il vente. = It's windy.
Il y a du soleil. = It's sunny.
Il y a de l'orage. = It's stormy.
Il y a du brouillard. = It's foggy.


la pluie = rain
la neige = snow
le vent = wind
le soleil = the sun
la glace = ice
les nuages = clouds
l'éclair = lightning
le brouillard = fog
le tonnerre = thunder